Shawn is Eleven!! October 23.
Early morning on Shawn's birthday, the boys were watching TV on the couch and they all had orange shirts on (and not on purpose). I thought that was a good picture moment.
We gave Shawn his gifts that morning,while he got all the other gifts that night at his party. I gave him a book, because he loves to read and he is such a great reader- I guess he takes after me in that way.
Chris got him a Barcelona soccer jersey, since he loves them so much, I guess he takes after his dad in that way.
Shawn had a soccer game on his birthday, so of course we all had to go to that. It was a bit windy and cold, but we all got through it. Grandma Becky was there, and Grandma Jo and Grandpa Alan came at half time. It is nice that we live close so they are able to support the boys in their activities.
Grandma Jo made his cake, she used fondant this time. He wanted the Barcelona sign, and she did a great job, Shawn really liked it.
Here his brothers are helping him with the candles.
Cheesy grin, he doesn't like pictures so much.
This is what he likes to do in pictures, so I thought I would join him.
But then he did a smiley one too- thanks Shawn.
He got some Under Armor shirts from G Alan and G Jo, and they got him a cool Bronco sled for when it snows around here.
G Becky got him some really nice hair care products- he is growing up:( And an itunes card. I think it was a pretty nice birthday.
We also got him tickets to a Colorado Rapids game, he went Chris- dad, Uncle Nick and his friend Chandler and his dad, Derek.
happy birthday shawn?! what a terrible aunt i am to have forgotten all about his birthday. i barely can remember my own brothers and sisters, let alone their children. sorry. i will have to make it up to him when i come to visit in december/january