Sunday, May 23, 2010

It's Another BOY!!!

We are so blessed to have another beautiful baby boy in our family. I can't be more happy with our new addition, Lucas Matthew. He is so sweet and cute and has a very good disposition (so far). Mommy and daddy before I went in for my C-section
Lucas weighed 8lbs and 15 oz, our smallest one yet.
He was 20 1/2 in long.
Love at first sound, and then sight:) I love that sound of the baby crying and since I can't see anything going on over the drape that sound is such a comfort. And then when they bring him over to me it is even better.

Words can not describe.

Proud mommy!
Proud daddy

So excited to finally meet their new brother.

What a good looking group of boys.

I love this picture of James reaching for him, so sweet, he was so excited to hold his baby brother. He calls him "my baby".

Sweet kisses, that is a great picture, thank you Becky for taking it:)

The proud oldest brother

Cute brothers.

Say cheese.

A huge thank you to grandma Becky for coming to help with the boys while we were in the hospital, it was nice to know everything was running at the house without me.

Our first family photo

Coming home, they all came to greet him, not so much me but the new baby, that is OK- they see me all the time')

"I want to hold him, I want to hold him", that is what they were all saying as soon as we got home. Shawn trys to be cool about the whole thing, but he really loves to hold him and help out.

James is so cute he says "Awww, little baby uke" almost every time he comes up to him, he loves to hold his hands and kiss his head.

Sweet older brother Mikey. He is very sweet to watch hold him as well, he loves o hold his little hands and talk to him and just be very sweet.

1 comment:

  1. FABULOUS!! How do you look so pretty through all of this!? Sure love you and your beautiful family!
