Friday, September 23, 2011

2011 First Quarter fun photos!!!

I did not do a very good job at adding to my blog this year so I thought I would sum it all up in three posts, one for each quarter, hopefully for the holidays I will do better. Enjoy!!
We got a big box and made a house out of it, and then we decided to paint it, James had that house for over a month, he loved it and had so much fun with it.
Happy painting
learning how to crawl up the stairs in January-yikes he is mobile!
sweet brotherly love until they start pushing and hitting:)
he looked so cute in his little polo outfit I had to get a few pictures

James loves to help me bake so any time I say I am going to make something he runs and grabs a chair and say "can I help, can I help" so sweet-most of the time, sometimes I just want to do it quick and get it done with.

stacking cups, what a fun toy an a great skill to learn a little 9 month old
weird kids-don't ask
no words
butt shot
Becca and James at Snooze
this banister is great for learning how to walk
say cheese
These pictures are so cute of Lucas in his adorable pj's and on his knees. He was on his knees for several months before he decided to walk on his feet, but walking on his knees was the best thing for him and he got around very well, I did have to make sure he had pants on though so he didn't scuff up his legs too much.

Aunt Lissa and Uncle Eric stayed in Fort Collins for a couple of months before they headed off to Bolivia for 6 months to do an internship and Lissa got to work with the kids there and teach art. This is right before they left, they came over to say goodbye, it was so much fun having them around for awhile, we sure missed them, they are a lot of fun for my boys, and me!

Shawn had a soccer tournament in Pueblo in February an we stayed at a hotel in Colorado Springs, and Lucas got to go swimming for the first time.
It was soooo windy and pretty cold that weekend in Pueblo, but we stayed warm and Lucas was quite a trooper, we didn't have James and Mike this time, grandma Becky took them, thanks goodness they would have been miserable. But the cute coat that Chesley let us borrow was great to have and very cute on him.
Here is the winning team of the tournament, GO Arsenal 8090!!!
Shawn and his medal!
Love those cute bath shots, except this little one does not like to take baths so this is like the only bath shot I have of him not screaming his lungs off, so I really treasure this one. All of my other boys loved baths and he absolutely hates them.
We took Grandpa Doug some ice cream for his birthday, they boys had a god time eating with him and pushing him around in his wheelchair.
So sweet...
We went to Kansas for a soccer tournament in March and this is Lucy the dog at the Innes house. Lucas did not like her very much but James is much worse he starts freaking out when a dog comes near. I think it is good to expose them to dogs as much as possible.
James, Kennedy, and Michael
Shawn out on the field for a game that wasn't freezing cold and windy and rainy, gotta love Kansas weather-NOT!!!
The boys-Kyle, Shawn and Colin
We went for a walk on a nice spring day at Fossil Creek Park Here is James on one of the big painted turtles
bouncing at the park
We went up to Estes Park one weekend to have dinner at the condo with the Beck fam and this is what wesaw driving up there, it was pretty cool so close up
goofy grins
We took a little mini hike up at the Coyote Ridge Natural Area, this is what their school is named after. It was reall windy that day so the boys didn't last that long, but it was still neatto go and check it out.
Grandpa Beck, for his birthday we met at Karen's house for dinner and gifts
I love this photo of Luke, he looks so innocent and shy
sweet little boy
We went to the Greeley fun plex pool for a friends birthday and James loved these little fountain that squirted up he was wacking them with the squirt gun like he was attacking them, it was so funny!!
Attack mode!
learning to walk a little bit
he loves to climb on the steering wheel
he gets up on it and sits and trys to go back and forth, so funny
We got a Zoo membership and we decided to go during spring break. Mike had just learned about Komodo Dragons so we had to look at those

James' favorite animal that day was the Rhino, and usually they are pretty still and don't move at all, but today he was walking around and eating so that was neat to see.

1 comment:

  1. JEN! your boys are so adorable! they are growing up so fast and looking older and older every time i see pictures of them. lucas is especially... you are such a great mom! i cant believe you can keep up with these four boys. i think you are doing a great job and its so fun to see all the fun things you do with them. thanks for all the pictures. it helps when i cant see you guys and i miss you. loves
